Come join us for 2025 MainStage Season - and beyond - as an MSF Sponsor!
Since our earliest days as a "play in the park" to being one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed professional theaters in Michigan, we have benefitted from the support of Michigan businesses and foundations to produce some of the best plays around. We are very proud of our reputation for excellence and we invite you to share in the celebration of 30 years by becoming a sponsor. Here are three reasons for considering sponsorship:
Sponsorship is good for your business. Your sponsorship tells your clients, employees and the public that your organization is a responsible corporate citizen that supports the arts. Your name will be prominentl featured in our mailings, electronic media and on site at the theatre. Besides recognition, sponsorship carries many benefits depending on the level you choose including discounts, invitations to private receptions and much more.
Sponsorship is good for our community. Your sponsorship helps make sure that professional live theater is available to the people of our community. It is a cultural gem that enhances the quality of life here. The MSFalso is an economic engine that draws visitors to our area from the entire region. We frankly would not have lasted 29 years without sponsorship support because only about half of our annual costs are covered by ticket sales. The rest comes from donors and sponsors like you.
Sponsorship is good for you. There is nothing like settling down in your seat as the lights dim and the audience is transported into another world of experience. Imagine how good it will feel to know that you and your company have been instrumental in bringing an experience that is hard to quantify in terms of dollars.
Sponsorship packages range from $1,000 to $25,000 with increasing benefits with each rising
level. We hope to talk with you soon to discuss what feels right for you and your company.
Festival Underwriter • $25,000 (two available)
Generous credit as underwriter of the entire MainStage Festival season in advertising, posters, brochures, website, program, newsletters, and all e-blasts
Public acknowledgment during the curtain speech before each Festival performance
Full page ad in the Festival program
Logo placement on-site at the Festival
20 tickets to the Opening Night Performance
Complimentary Invitations to the Afterglow Party to meet the company
12 additional season tickets for employees or clients
Festival Underwriter employee discount on individual tickets
VIP Guest invitation to the Company Welcome Party
Festival Show Underwriter • $10,000 (three available – one per show title)
Generous credit as Show Sponsor of one our three MainStage Productions on posters, brochures, website, program, newsletters, and all e-blasts
Public acknowledgment during the curtain speech before each of the performances of your production
Full page ad in the Festival program
Logo placement on-site at the Festival
10 VIP tickets to the Festival's Opening Night Performance
Complimentary Invitations to the Afterglow Party to meet the company
10 VIP tickets to the Opening Night Performance of your Production
VIP Guest invitation to the Company Welcome Party
10 complimentary season tickets for employees or clients
Festival Community Partner • $5,000
Generous credit as a Community Partner (in conjunction with Festival Sponsors and Show Sponsors) in season brochures, website, program, newsletters and all e-blasts.
One Half-page ad in the Festival program
Logo placement on-site at the Festival
6 VIP tickets to the Opening Night Performance
Complimentary Invitations to the Afterglow Party to meet the company
6 complimentary season tickets for employees or clients
Festival Sponsor • $2,500
Recognition as a Festival sponsor in program, on website, and selected e-blasts
One Quarter-page ad in the Festival program
Logo placement on-site at the Festival
2 VIP tickets to the Opening Night Performance
Complimentary Invitations to the Afterglow Party to meet the company
2 complimentary season tickets for employees or clients
Bard Talk Sponsor • $1,000
Bard talks are held before performances on Friday and Saturday evenings at 7 pm. Our Artistic Director and other theatre professionals share history, theatre history, production history, and other information about our plays.
Public acknowledgement prior to a Bard Talk
Recognition as a Festival sponsor in the program, on the website, and in selected e-blasts
One Eighth-page ad in the Festival program
Recognition as a Bard Talk sponsor in the program and on the website.
2 VIP tickets to the Opening Night Performance
Complimentary Invitation to the Afterglow Party to meet the company
Materials Sponsorships
In addition to talented directors, actors, designers, and technicians, it takes a large amount of “stuff” to produce the
award-winning shows of the Michigan Shakespeare Festival. We are always purchasing materials to build sets and to
build and alter costumes; we also have technical upgrades and repairs we make each season to our lighting, sound, and special effects equipment. The following sponsorship offer an affordable way to show your support:
• Festival Sound Sponsor, $1,500 (one available)
• Festival Lighting Sponsor, $1,500 (one available)
• Set Sponsor $1,500 (three available, one per show)
• Costume Sponsor, $1,200 (three available, one per show title)
• Properties Sponsor, $500 (three available, one per show title)
• Festival Makeup Sponsor, $500 (one available)
Individualized packages for directed donation are also available.
Contact our General Manager to discuss possibilities.